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The German Ideology by Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx”The German Ideology” stands as a foundational text in the canon of Marxist literature, co-authored by Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx during their formative years. In this comprehensive analysis, we delve into the key themes,...

Karl Marx’s Labor Theory of Value

Karl Marx, a renowned philosopher, economist, and social theorist, is often associated with his profound critique of capitalism. At the core of Marx’s economic analysis lies the Labor Theory of Value, a principle that seeks to explain the fundamental dynamics of...

Karl Marx’s Theory of Surplus Value

Karl Marx, a renowned philosopher, economist, and social theorist, developed a comprehensive critique of capitalism. Central to his analysis was the concept of surplus value, which he argued formed the foundation of exploitation within the capitalist system. In this...

Karl Marx’s Theory of Economic Development

Karl Marx, the influential philosopher, economist, and social theorist, developed a comprehensive theory of economic development that aimed to explain the historical progression of societies. Marx’s analysis centered around the dialectical relationship between...

Class Struggle

“Karl Marx” became an important figure in the science of sociology, because he gave the term “class” to the discipline of sociology. He must have picked this term, from the intellectuals of Paris; in mid nineteenth century. One of the main concept of sociology is...

Marx Theory of Alienation

“Karl Marx” main work on alienation is the 1844 manuscript, also known as Paris manuscripts. Alienation is the philosophical term, which was borrowed by Karl Marx from “Hegel” philosophy. However, Marx took it beyond the level of Hegel philosophy, he adopted it to...
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