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Jean Jacques Rousseau–The Social Contract

Rousseau was eminent political philosopher of 18th century, he starts his famous social contract by the phrase “men are born free yet, he is in chains everywhere” with this statement Rousseau defines, the countless categories of chains in civil society. Which impede...

Two Treatises of Government by John Locke

The first treatises of john Locke is criticism on the Robert Filmer’s theory patriarcha, which was very famous in 17 century in England, which suggests that, those people should govern who have inherent right to govern. According to Robert Filmer, kings and queens who...

Plato on Democracy

Plato was against the Athenian democracy, due to his critic, he was considered as the enemy of democracy. Plato considered democracy as anarchy where people have liberty of doing what they like and absolute equality for all. Athenian democracy is opposite of social...

Plato’s Ideal State

Following are the three eminent books of Plato “The Republic”, “The Laws” and “The statesman” in which Plato discussed about the nature of state and the sovereign. However, “The Republic” is the book in which he discussed his view about the ideal state, despite the...

Plato’s Scheme of Education

The famous work of Plato “The Republic” not only provide the information regarding political issues in detail but, it also discusses about the education scheme of Plato. The Athenian system of education was disliked by Plato because, it was privately managed and not...

Plato’s Theory of Justice

Plato one of the eminent and vital political philosophy book is the republic. He starts his book with the theory of justice in his literary style of dialogue. According to Plato an individual has three cognitive or perceptual powers of mind, which are as follow,...
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