Sociology Learners

Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft

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Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft both are sociological theories. Which is the contribution of German sociologist Ferdinand Tonnies in the discipline of sociology. Both categories are derived from German language, Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft which means “community” and “society”. Ferdinand Tonnies explained the association and interaction of individual in the society, with the help of dichotomy between the two concepts. These concepts are similar to the theories of “Emile Durkhaim” “mechanical “and “organic” society. Furthermore, a Tunisian historian and sociologist Ibn-I-Khalddon theory of “Hazri” and “Badvi” society are also comparably similar to the theory of Ferdinand Tonnies.


“Gemeinschaft” is a German word, which means “community”, individuals in such group share similar language, culture, manner and laws. Church, mosque and other religious institutions, are the best example to explain the concept of “Gemeinschaft”. Individuals who visit church and mosque or other religious institution regularly, for praying, bond and form relationship with one another, on the basis of their share believes, traditions and values. Relationships and bonds are created amongst individuals in the community by, personal interaction. Individuals of community are more focused on collective interest rather than individual interest. It represent the rural type of society, where individuals care for each other, they have close family relationships and people in such society protect each other because of social bonds of kinship, common language and religion.


Literal meaning of gesellshaft is “society”. Gesellshaft is completely opposite to gemeinshaft. In Gemeinschaft association amongst the individual is based on close relationship and collective interest of a group. Whereas, in gesellshaft individuals is limited to self-interest and it is not based on shared culture norms and mores. Relationship among individuals in this group are impersonal and temporary. For example, individuals working in same office may not have similar beliefs but they coordinate and work together for their self-interest to earn money. Characteristics of Industrial or urban society are similar to the concept of Ferdinand Tonnies Gesellshaft.

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