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What are Attitudes?

Attitude is derived from a Latin word “Optus” which means ready and fit for action. Earlier, attitude referred to something that could be directly observed like, the moves of fighters in a boxing ring. However, in the context of psychology attitude can be defined as...

John Locke Philosophy

John Locke was distinguished English philosopher of seventeenth century. He was born in 1632 and is considered as an important figure of early European enlightenment. Most of his philosophical ideas had huge influence on later eminent enlightenment figures including,...

What Is Public Opinion?

Definitions of Public Opinion Many distinguished political thinkers have defined the concept of public opinion differently . Rousseau a prominent political thinker referred to public opinion as general will. He explained the general will by categorizing individual...

Unitary and Federal System

Government is among one of the major elements of state. The purpose of government is to formulate interpret and implement state laws through its major organizations in order to sustain peace and order — satisfy citizen needs — ensure economic growth and...

Realistic Conflict Theory

Realistic conflict theory is a social psychological model of inter-group conflict. The theory explains that inter-group conflict can arise due to the competition among groups over the scarce resources and conflicting goals. Moreover, it also defines how the feeling of...

What is Cognitive Dissonance?

The term cognitive dissonance has deep roots in the classic social psychology. In 1957 Leon Festinger introduced this theory in his book “Cognitive Dissonance”. The book contain the detail explanation about what cognitive dissonance is and how to cope with cognitive...

What Is Attribution?

When social psychologists try to understand human behavior they develop reliable inferences about the causes of behavior. The concept of developing assumptions about the causes of behavior is known as attributions in social psychology. In simple words attribution...
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