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What is Social Status?

Social status Social status refer to the position an individual hold or occupy within social institutions and society. Whereas, social roles are the responsibilities associated with a particular status. One may get confused to differentiate between social status and...


Subcultures can be defined as, existence of diverse cultures within a larger or, dominant culture. Societies are not completely homogeneous. Generally, Heterogeneous segments or groups coexist within a society, which share distinctive customs and values. These smaller...

Sociological Imagination

In today’s world we spend our daily life at work, hanging out with friends, watching television and surfing on internet. Our life is too narrow and isolated to understand the complexity of social world. Thousands of communities exist and Countless interactions...

History And Origin Of Sociology

The term sociology was first coined by the French essayist Emmanuel-Joseph Sieyès in 1970 in an unpublished manuscript. Later, the term was reinvented by a French social thinker Auguste Comte in 1838. Auguste Comte; Auguste Comte was born in Montpelier, France on...

Social Norms

Social Norms refer to established rules of conduct maintained by a society. That specify how individuals should behave and should not behave within a given society. Groups or societies establish norms on the basis of shared values. Values are social conduct or, things...

Social Values

Values can be defined as, cultural criterion to differentiate between, good or, bad—moral or, immoral and desirable or undesirable. Things (ideas, objective and behavior) which are most cherished, by individuals within a given society, is called values. Values specify...


Subcultures can be defined as, existence of different cultures within a single society. Whereas, Countercultures are the type of subcultures, which disregard or oppose some norms of Mainstream culture. Subcultures which coexist within a particular society usually,...
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