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]]>Exploring Consciousness, State of Mind, and Thought by Alan Watts
Alan Watts was a philosopher who changed the way many people think about themselves and the world. He was especially interested in the mysteries of consciousness, the state of mind, and how our thoughts shape our reality. Watts believed that understanding consciousness helps us to live more freely and fully, which is why he spent so much of his time explaining it in simple, yet profound ways. He often said that our minds have incredible power but are also at the center of many of our troubles. Let us explore how he looked at these aspects of the human experience.
When Alan Watts spoke of consciousness, he was referring to the unique ability we humans have to be aware of ourselves. He saw consciousness as a double-edged sword. On one hand, it is what makes us feel alive and allows us to think, feel, and create. On the other, this same awareness can lead to feelings of separation, anxiety, and even a sense of being overwhelmed by life. Watts explained that part of this struggle comes from the way we view our relationship with the world around us. We often think of ourselves as isolated individuals, separate from everything else. But Watts saw consciousness as a flow—something that is connected to all things. According to him, understanding this interconnected nature of consciousness could free us from the feeling of being alone or trapped within ourselves.
One of Watts’ essential ideas was that the mind is like water. It can be calm and reflective, showing us the world clearly, or it can be disturbed, making everything look chaotic and distorted. Our thoughts and emotions are what create ripples in this water, disturbing its natural calm. But when the mind is still, it is more in tune with the world around it. Watts pointed out that most of us rarely experience this kind of calm state of mind because our thoughts are constantly churning. We are often stuck in loops of worry, regret, and planning, which pull us out of the present moment.
Watts was fascinated by the way thoughts influence our lives. He believed that thoughts are both wonderful and dangerous. They allow us to build societies, create art, and solve problems. But they can also lead us into traps of worry and fear. Watts often said that people take their thoughts too seriously. He would humorously suggest that, sometimes, we would be better off if we could laugh at our thoughts rather than letting them control us. To Watts, many of our struggles come from confusing thoughts with reality. Thoughts are just ideas—images in our minds—and they do not always represent what is actually happening. Realizing this can bring a huge sense of relief, as it allows us to take life more lightly.
Watts encouraged people to explore their consciousness through practices like meditation. For him, meditation was not about emptying the mind or avoiding thoughts. Instead, it was about becoming aware of how our minds work and learning to observe thoughts without getting caught up in them. In this sense, Watts saw meditation as a tool for mental freedom. He wanted people to learn how to sit back and watch their thoughts as if they were clouds passing in the sky. This practice, he believed, could lead to a profound sense of peace because it allowed people to see that they are more than just their thoughts.
According to Watts, many of our mental struggles come from misunderstanding our minds. He used to explain that most people believe they are their thoughts. When we say “I,” we often mean our inner voice or our opinions, but Watts argued that the true self is much deeper. He said that consciousness is like an ocean, and thoughts are just waves on the surface. The waves come and go, but the ocean remains. Similarly, our thoughts and feelings change constantly, but the core of our consciousness remains untouched by these shifts. Watts believed that recognizing this could give us a sense of stability, even when life becomes turbulent.
Watts also spoke a lot about the importance of living in the present moment. He saw this as the most direct way to experience true consciousness. Many people are either caught up in their past or worry about the future. Watts explained that the present moment is all we ever really have. The past is a memory, and the future is just an idea. By focusing on the present, we can free ourselves from regrets and anxieties. Living in the present allows us to experience life as it truly is, rather than through the filter of our thoughts. This state of presence, he said, is when we feel most alive.
Alan Watts had an interesting way of explaining why people get stuck in thought loops. He suggested that the human mind is designed to think and problem-solve, so it is always looking for something to focus on. This is useful for many things, but it can be exhausting if we never let our minds rest. Watts encouraged people to realize that they do not have to be thinking all the time. There is value in just being. When we allow ourselves to be without constantly analyzing, judging, or worrying, we can experience a form of mental relaxation that brings us closer to a natural state of consciousness.
A big part of Watts’ philosophy was about letting go of the ego. The ego is the part of us that wants control, security, and recognition. Watts described the ego as a small, fearful part of our consciousness that makes us feel separate from others and from the world. He explained that most of our suffering comes from the ego’s need to be important and safe. But the more we try to protect the ego, the more we end up feeling anxious and isolated. By letting go of the ego’s demands, we can tap into a more expansive, peaceful state of consciousness. In this state, we realize that we are not as separate as we once thought.
Watts often used humor and metaphors to help people understand complex ideas. He would say that consciousness is like a dance or a game. There is no end goal, no destination to reach. Instead, the joy comes from being fully present in each moment, experiencing life without constantly judging or comparing. Watts believed that when we see life as a dance, we free ourselves from the need to control everything. This approach to life can make us more resilient, as we become less attached to outcomes and more focused on the experience itself.
In Watts’ view, true happiness comes from understanding the nature of consciousness and learning to live in harmony with it. He believed that happiness is not something we achieve by chasing after it. Rather, it is something that naturally arises when we stop resisting life and start living in alignment with our true nature. For Watts, this meant letting go of the idea that we are separate from the world. Instead, he saw each person as a unique expression of the universe, connected to everything else. This sense of unity, he said, is what brings genuine peace and contentment.
The power of Alan Watts’ teachings lies in their simplicity. He encouraged people to explore their own minds, to question their assumptions, and to let go of anything that causes unnecessary suffering. By understanding consciousness, the nature of thought, and the state of mind, Watts believed we could live lives that are freer, happier, and more in tune with the world around us.
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By Khushdil Khan Kasi
The post Exploring Consciousness, State of Mind, and Thought by Alan Watts appeared first on Sociology Learners.