Collective Needs and Social Institutions Archives - Sociology Learners Knowledge Bank of Sociology Wed, 30 Nov 2022 08:00:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 129612039 The State and Political Institution Thu, 17 Sep 2020 14:00:10 +0000 Political institution refers to a social structure of power within a given society. It delegates varied extents of power among individuals and institutions, so as to maintain the social order. Commonly, all social institutions are preoccupied with the structure of power but obtain a varied degree of jurisdiction over the use of legalized power. Moreover, […]

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Political institution refers to a social structure of power within a given society. It delegates varied extents of power among individuals and institutions, so as to maintain the social order. Commonly, all social institutions are preoccupied with the structure of power but obtain a varied degree of jurisdiction over the use of legalized power. Moreover, other social institutions have rather narrow jurisdiction while political institutions control the use of legitimate power over the society as a whole. However, the state is regarded as the most prominent political institution contained by a particular society. Therefore, sociologists must analyze the structure of the state, to grasp the concept of political institutions.

The State and Power

A political institution is a social structure that regulates the legitimate use of power in a society, in order to maintain social order. The above definition evidently identifies the association between political organization and power. Hence, it would be implausible to comprehend the concept, absent reaching the knowledge of power. The term power refers to the ability to control, direct and alter the individuals conduct, with or without their consent. However, political institution through the use of legitimate power regulates the behavior of individuals, so as to ensure social stability. Furthermore, numerous institutions are contained by a single society, but the state is being considered as a political organization. The manifestation of strong association between the organization and power, distinguishes state from the other social institutions. Other social institutions obtain limited jurisdiction over the use of legal power while, the state exercises power over the society as whole.

The State Responsibilities

The state is responsible for determining the patterns of relationship among social institutions and individuals, sustaining relationships with other societies and gathering resources to gratify the various felt needs of the citizens or to attain collective goals. Moreover, the scope of state duties is allied with the structure of society. The roles and responsibilities of state upsurges, as soon as the society becomes larger and more complex.

The State, Collective Needs and Social Institutions

As time passes by different collective needs and wants to emerge in societies. The state being a political institution contained by societies is accountable for the social need’s gratification. The aforesaid responsibility of the state is being carried out by means of developing social institutions and enforcing norms. Attributable to the phenomenon of change in collective needs different social institutions are being established in societies.

Besides, different social institutions altogether form and depict the structure of societies. Social structure can be categorized into two types including, simple and complex. Simple societies refer to the organization of few basic social institutions. Whereas large number of social institutions are contained by complex societies. The development of additional social institutions prompted by the phenomenon of change in collective needs, evolve simple social structure into complex. However, the state within simple societies has rather narrow range of responsibilities but carry out wide ranging duties in complex societies.

The State, Social organization and Social Problems

Society refers to the organization of individuals and different social institutions. The social institutions contained by societies have to perform different roles and responsibilities in spite of difference the functions of all social institutions are associated with one another. In an organized society there is stability among the parts of society. Each part of society performs its functions and maintain the social organization. However, if the state being a political institution fails to carry out its respective responsibilities, it would lead to the social disorganization. Moreover, the social disorganization could cause social problems. Social problems refer to the issues which are faced by majority of people in a given society. The manifestation of such social issues ignites chaos in societies.

Written By; Khushdil Khan Kasi

The post The State and Political Institution appeared first on Sociology Learners.

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