content analysis research Archives - Sociology Learners Knowledge Bank of Sociology Thu, 25 May 2017 11:38:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 129612039 Content Analysis Thu, 25 May 2017 11:38:44 +0000 Content analysis research method; also known as, secondary data analysis. In this method information or data is obtained regarding a social issue through secondary data. Moreover, secondary data; is an information which is recorded earlier by some other researcher. However, Secondary data can be obtained from, journal’s, newspaper, internet, books and magazines. In earlier discussed […]

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Content analysis research method; also known as, secondary data analysis. In this method information or data is obtained regarding a social issue through secondary data. Moreover, secondary data; is an information which is recorded earlier by some other researcher. However, Secondary data can be obtained from, journal’s, newspaper, internet, books and magazines. In earlier discussed research method, data was collected by, researcher; through questionnaire, interview and observation. Whereas, in content analysis the source of data is secondary, information which has already been recorded. In other techniques sample/participants of the research were people, however, in content analysis sample are recorded documented data. Suppose, if researcher want to analyze that, “rap songs” is promoting alcohol” by the mean of content analysis. Then the researcher would have to collect the sample of rap songs lyrics and analyze the sampled lyrics. Furthermore, Organize the data obtained from lyrics; which, associate alcohol with self-esteem. If the analysis show enough evidence that rap songs promote alcohol. Then research assumption would be accepted, if not then it will be rejected.   

Government agencies census reports, provide enormous information to sociologist for conducting, content analysis research. Demographic information of the country population can be used in content analysis; may be researcher is interested in analyzing the “relationship between child education and household income” , such type of pattern can be analyze from secondary data analysis. Advantage of using content analysis methods is that it is cheap to conduct whereas, the disadvantage is that, sometimes it is difficult to obtain secondary data required for research.           

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