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]]>According to Quinn, and Rubb, (2005), Education has an immense importance in increasing the literacy levels in an economy. The level of illiteracy is the cycle which promotes the level of long term poverty among individuals throughout the generations and nations. Individuals with no or less primary education lack in knowledge, which could cause in making ineffective decisions and unable to solve their fundamental problems of lives which could affect them. These forms of knowledge might involve core competencies but are not limited to it in earning for living or performing tasks.
Education brings perceptiveness among people. They could judge things, which are right or wrong. They take care of the environment and understand their responsibilities towards environment, society and community. This helps them in growing in life, not only in financial terms but also morally. It helps in analyzing and assessing life goals and objectives and give the new perspective and meaning to life. They actually able to know what they want from their life. People like to be a part of well-behaved, well-mannered and educated society, which helps in bringing good and positive things in their lives rather than worsening them. Education is the building block of the healthy and well-established society, where everyone knows their responsibilities and duties (Durkheim, 1956).
Education also facilitated numerous innovations and skills among individuals. People are able to think critically related to issues they face, and always come up with innovative and new ideas for tackling the situation in appropriate way. Through creative and critical thinking, people are able to bring constructive ideas which lead to the solution for new problems (Quinn, and Rubb, 2005).
This could be concluded in a way that educations helps in thriving the nations economically and become one of the major factor in their growth. It helps in producing significant elements which assist in developing the economies. These factors involve teachers, health practitioners, and also leaders. Now it’s upon the stakeholders to work hard and hand-in-hand for promoting education, through educating people and create awareness about its importance (Johansson, FOGELBERG‐DAHM, M.A.R.I.E. and Wadensten, 2010).
Durkheim, E., 1956. Education and sociology. Simon and Schuster.
Johansson, B., FOGELBERG‐DAHM, M.A.R.I.E. and Wadensten, B., 2010. Evidence‐based practice: the importance of education and leadership. Journal of nursing Management, 18(1), pp.70-77.
Quinn, M.A. and Rubb, S., 2005. The importance of education-occupation matching in migration decisions. Demography, 42(1), pp.153-167.
The post Introduction to Education appeared first on Sociology Learners.