Genocide Archives - Sociology Learners Knowledge Bank of Sociology Sun, 13 May 2018 08:30:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 129612039 Intergroup Relationship Sun, 13 May 2018 08:30:34 +0000 Intergroup relation refers to the existence of the relationship among different groups or individuals, ranging from the spectrum of intolerance and tolerance approaches. The plurality is characterize as tolerant group among intergroup, On the other hand, the continuum are the expulsion, amalgamation and also genocide, which are the example of intolerant-intergroup relations (Lumen, 2018). When […]

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Intergroup relation refers to the existence of the relationship among different groups or individuals, ranging from the spectrum of intolerance and tolerance approaches. The plurality is characterize as tolerant group among intergroup, On the other hand, the continuum are the expulsion, amalgamation and also genocide, which are the example of intolerant-intergroup relations (Lumen, 2018).

When individual act and think as the group members, people tend for accentuating similarities among themselves, and also members of the personal groups. It also exaggerate the differences among members in their group, and also other groups- social categorization. Individuals evaluate people differently and distinctively depending on their group members or other group members- in-group or out-group. Particularly, individuals typically shows the members’ preference of their personal group, like that, evaluation is done positively, and more positive attributions are done for such behaviors in comparison with how evaluation is done for outgroup members. This tendency is known as in-group favoritism (Stephan, 2018).


Genocide is the deliberate annihilation of the targeted, mostly the subordinate group. It is very toxic form of intergroup relation. Historically, it can be seen that genocide include intent of exterminating the group and function for exterminating a group, unintentionally or intentionally. Possible the famous case about genocide was attempt of Hitler for exterminating Jewish citizen in first part if 20th century. It is also called as Holocaust-the explicit objective of the “Final Solution” of Hitler, which was an eradication of the European Jewry, also the minority groups’ discrimination like Catholics, individuals with homosexuals and disabilities. Due to forced emigrations, mass executions and concentration camps in the gas chambers for 12million individuals’ death, Hitler Nazi was responsible and 6 million were Jewish. The objective of Hitler was obvious, and this the genocide, which is now the greatest example for the world. Genocide is not only a historical act, but it practice today even. Currently, geographic and ethnic conflicts causes several million deaths (Luman, 2018; Granovetter, 2018).


Expulsion means when subordinate group are being pressurized by the dominant group, for leaving the specific country or area. It can be seen in an example of “Trail of Tears” and “Holocaust”, an expulsion could be the factor and major element in genocide. However, this could stand as the personal interaction of destructive group. An expulsion has mostly caused historically, with racial or ethnic bases. In United States, Executive Order- 9066 issued by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1942, right after the attack of Japanese government on the Pearl Harbor. This order authorized establishment on the internment camps related to everyone with the little ancestry of Japan (Lumen, 2018).


Pluralism is presented as the mixture of multiple distinct cultures, and groups, where every culture retain the personal identity and still has the capacity of adding more cultures. The true pluralism further characterize by the mutual respect on part of total culture, both subordinate and dominant, developing the multi-cultural environment and field of acceptance. In reality, the true pluralism considered to be a difficult goal and objective to attain. In many countries, mutual respect needed by pluralism is not present, and it is also observed that several countries across the globe do not accept cultural differences, but still believes in maximizing the gap among different groups and cultures (Brown, and Hewstone, 2005).


It is the process through which majority group and minority group jointly form the new group. The amalgamation create a classic analogy of “melting pot”. This reflect the scenario where every culture retain the individuality, and combination of different cultures, which results in new and unique culture. Amalgamation is also called as miscegenation, which is achieved by inter-marriage among races (Stephan, 2018).

It has been concluded that, intergroup relations have broad range from the pluralism’s tolerant approach to intolerance approaches like genocide. In the pluralism, groups have to retain their personal identity. In the assimilation, groups need to conform the identity of dominant group. And in amalgamation, individuals, or groups need to combine and form the new identity.


Brown, R. and Hewstone, M., 2005. An integrative theory of intergroup contact. Advances in experimental social psychology, 37(37), pp.255-343.
Granovetter, M., 2018. The sociology of economic life. Routledge.
Luman, 2018. Intergroup relations. [Online], Available at:, [Accessed on: 29th April, 2018].
Stephan, C.W., 2018. Intergroup relations. Routledge.

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