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]]>Government agencies census reports, provide enormous information to sociologist for conducting, content analysis research. Demographic information of the country population can be used in content analysis; may be researcher is interested in analyzing the “relationship between child education and household income” , such type of pattern can be analyze from secondary data analysis. Advantage of using content analysis methods is that it is cheap to conduct whereas, the disadvantage is that, sometimes it is difficult to obtain secondary data required for research.
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]]>The post Survey Research Method appeared first on Sociology Learners.
]]>Techniques which are used for, the selection of respondents in research, called “sampling techniques”. With the help of sampling techniques researcher analyze number of respondents required for research; out of “population”. Respondents, who participate in the research or, respond to the questionnaire; are termed as “sample”. It is important for reader to know survey method is used in many fields to obtain knowledge. This method is not just limited to sociological knowledge, it is also used for other researches. An individual is frequently, bombarded with survey questionnaires. Coming out of restaurant customer receive a feedback survey questionnaire regarding product and services. Researcher can reach respondents through social media, email and telecommunication. Moreover, online polls like political poll, entertainment poll and marketing poll, are also type of survey questionnaire. However, the prime purpose of survey is to obtain data whether it’s regarding social issue or product and services.
Another instrument of data collection in survey method, is interview. One on one conversation of researcher and participant is called interview. There are two types of interviews; structured interview and unstructured interview. In structured interview respondents have been asked to answer, close-ended questions whereas, in unstructured interview respondents have been asked to answer, open-ended questions. Furthermore, if researcher is interested in multivariate data analysis for testing research hypothesis then, he should choose the “sampling technique”, “sample size” and “questionnaire measurement scales”, very carefully because, mentioned components have impact on the, reliability of test results.
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]]>The post Experiment Research Method appeared first on Sociology Learners.
]]>Lab experiment is initiated by, creating an artificial environment in lab by researcher; which helps him to manipulate variables. After setting the lab, researcher select a few people with similar demographic information as subjects of experiment. Furthermore, People are randomly divided in to two groups; one group is controlled group and another is experimental group. Difference between both groups is that experimental group is exposed to independent variable and controlled group is not being exposed to the independent variable. In the above example “carbonated drink” can be categorized as independent variable and “stomach” as dependent variable. Suppose, if researcher wants to analyze “the impact of tutoring on children academic performance” from experiment method. If Researcher want to conduct experiment in lab, he has to set a lab and create artificial environment in which he is able to manipulate variable. Moreover, participants will be selected for conducting experiment, with similar academic performance, age and grade. Furthermore, participants will be divided into two groups randomly. Both group will have to prepare the same chapters of same subjects, nonetheless, controlled group will be only taught by school teacher, whereas. experimental group will be taught by school teacher and tutor, for the time period of one month. Both groups will be tested after a month, same paper would be drafted for the test. However, test result will conclude the experiment result as well. If the score of experimental group was more than controlled group, the research will be concluded as tutoring have influence on enhancing academic capabilities of a children. Researcher has to set parameters in choosing the participants because if subject of experiment is not qualified as participant, it will affect the reliability of experiment. For example considering the tutoring experiment, if researcher select participants from different standards, the result of the experiment will be unreliable because same material will be provided to all participants for preparation, in a specific duration. Students studying in high standard might score high without any help whereas, students of lower standard may score low with tutoring. Participants should be of same standard, and academic performance should be similar as well.
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