Plato’s Archives - Sociology Learners Knowledge Bank of Sociology Mon, 19 Mar 2018 14:38:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 129612039 Plato’s Ideal State Mon, 19 Mar 2018 14:38:42 +0000 Following are the three eminent books of Plato “The Republic”, “The Laws” and “The statesman” in which Plato discussed about the nature of state and the sovereign. However, “The Republic” is the book in which he discussed his view about the ideal state, despite the fact that, it is actually possible to create such state […]

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Following are the three eminent books of Plato “The Republic”, “The Laws” and “The statesman” in which Plato discussed about the nature of state and the sovereign. However, “The Republic” is the book in which he discussed his view about the ideal state, despite the fact that, it is actually possible to create such state or not. Plato’s ideal state is based on Socratic doctrine, “ideal is real” by this he meant that, reality should be found in the ideas of permanent things not in the things which are supposed to be changed or decay. According to Plato ideal state should be a model for all the states in the world. It is secondary question whether actual states adopt the model of ideal state or not. His aim was to show that how a state should be or must be.  

Plato explain his theory of ideal state with the help of analogy between individual and state. According to Plato state is the magnified individual because both are same in composition and qualities. As Plato believe that human soul consist of appetite, courage and reason, on the other hand, state also consist of the three classes, guardian, soldiers and producers. Plato ideal state is based on his three concepts, (communism) the new social order for guardian class, state regulated education scheme and rule of philosophy.

Communism does not mean to improve the living standard of people in the state, neither it applies to whole community. Communism can only apply to the guardian class, to keep them away from economic and worldly temptation. Which states that, guardian class should not own any property.

In his book “The law” he construct a model of a state, which comprised of 5040 citizens. Those citizens were divided in to the 12 tribes and community which were administered and governed by the state council. He said that such state should be situated away from the sea because at that time the naval power of the state was very weak. Moreover, he emphasized on the agriculture self-sufficient state and defy the idea of commercial state, according to him in commercial state citizen forget their civic duties.  According to Plato, there should be middle class people in the state because they will provide stability to the state. 

Plato said that, the guardian class should be healthy, honest, selfless, incorruptible, wise and evenhanded. The question here is how people acquire such qualities? Plato answer to the question was education. Further he discussed about the children of the guardians they will be free from all parental handicaps. Loved by all the parents. They will be the state responsibility, state will look after their basic needs and education. In Plato ideal state there will be no law and the head of the state will be king philosopher. He argue that, if people in the state have good and sound character then there is no need of law. Even if their character is unsound or bad they will not care for law and the law will still be unnecessary.        

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Plato’s Scheme of Education Mon, 19 Mar 2018 14:35:19 +0000 The famous work of Plato “The Republic” not only provide the information regarding political issues in detail but, it also discusses about the education scheme of Plato. The Athenian system of education was disliked by Plato because, it was privately managed and not regulated by government. During the epoch of Plato Athens education was compulsory […]

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The famous work of Plato “The Republic” not only provide the information regarding political issues in detail but, it also discusses about the education scheme of Plato. The Athenian system of education was disliked by Plato because, it was privately managed and not regulated by government. During the epoch of Plato Athens education was compulsory but it was managed privately. Plato was in favor of Spartan education system because it was regulated by the state. According to Plato education should promote the justice and should enable individual to perform his duties assigned by the state. Through education individuals eyes can be turned to the light. According to Plato the purpose of education should not be to store knowledge but to bring the soul of individuals in an environment where it can grow and develop. As education helps individuals to grow and develop mentally therefore education should be regulated by government and should be compulsory for both the sexes. Plato was also in favor of educating women in a state and greatly emphasized on the issue. According to him, not educating the women will be losing a considerable potential. Which can be devoted for the wellbeing and welfare of the state. 

Plato scheme of education consists of two phases. First phase include elementary training and military training, former till the age of eighteen and later for two years period. Second phase include higher training and practical training, former till the age of thirty-five and later for fifteen years.  

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Plato’s Theory of Justice Mon, 19 Mar 2018 14:33:12 +0000 Plato one of the eminent and vital political philosophy book is the republic. He starts his book with the theory of justice in his literary style of dialogue. According to Plato an individual has three cognitive or perceptual powers of mind, which are as follow, reason, courage and appetite. The interrelationship among the three faculties […]

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Plato one of the eminent and vital political philosophy book is the republic. He starts his book with the theory of justice in his literary style of dialogue. According to Plato an individual has three cognitive or perceptual powers of mind, which are as follow, reason, courage and appetite. The interrelationship among the three faculties is called justice. He believed that, if all the faculties of individual mind work properly and under the supervision of reason, then the demand of justice will be full filled.  By reason he meant wisdom, and by courage he meant spirit and by appetite he meant desire.

Plato have compared individual mind with state. According to him, state is enlarged or magnified form of an individual. Now here Plato moved from micro to macro level, like human facilities state also has three element. Which are as follow guardian, artisans and warriors. The reason part in ideal state is played by guardian, courage part is played by warrior and appetite part is played by artisans. According to Plato justice in the state refer to, these three classes (guardians, warrior and artisans) which should be present and functional in the state.

Plato believed that, the justice in the state demands that, these three elements should perform their duties and functions individually, one should not interfere in others duties and functions but, artisan and warrior should work under the supervision of guardian. By artisan Plato meant producers, by warrior he meant soldiers or Army and by guardians he meant rulers or government. Society needs basic necessities which are produced by the artisans. People in state need security from foreign aggression, which is provided by warrior or army. State need regulation, which is provided by government and rulers or guardians.

There are two aspects of Plato’s theory of justice. On micro level it is individual and on macro level it is state or society. Micro aspect purpose is to refrain individual from selfish impulses. It also teaches an individual not to meddle and interfere in other work and business. From social point of view in state every institution perform its own function. Somehow both individual minds and state are identical and both do not interfere in others work. Platonic theory of justice is basically of non-interference.            

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