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]]>Socialization is a process via which we are being taught as well as learn social norms and values in order to become proficient members of society. We learn each and every social conduct such as, how to walk, talk, feed ourselves etc… through the process of socialization. It is a lifelong process it begins since our conception and occurs until the end of our lives. During the course of our lives we socialize with different people in distinct social groups such as, Family, schools, mass media, peers and religion. These social groups are considered to be the essential agents of socialization through which we obtain the ability to learn social skills and knowledge.
Family is the most important and fundamental source of socialization. A newborn survival completely depend on family members especially, on parents — step parents or guardians. While attending to the physical needs of newborn mother frequently interact with baby. Changing diapers and feeding a baby creates opportunity of talking, smiling, hugging and cuddling. The warmth and nurture which a baby receive from such interactions is essential for the development of baby cognitive and motor abilities. Our parents teach us how to take care of ourselves and function within a society, their teaching is not only limited to basic social skills such as, how to walk, talk, tie shoes — hold crayon or spoon etc… however, they also instill societal or religious norms, values and beliefs in us — that we may hold our entire lives for instance, a person born and raised within Muslim family adhered beliefs might be entirely different from a person born and raised in catholic family, because their socialization process differ from one another.
Including basic social or developmental skills child has to learn normative conducts before becoming a full member of society. Child learns most of the basic skills indirectly via social interaction. However, as the child grow older parents use direct approach to teach conformity and obedience in order to prepare him/her for the life outside the institution of family. Though, the means of direct teaching approach differ from family to family for instance, some parents might spank or scold a child for misconduct to teach him or her socially acceptable ways to behave whereas, others may teach normative behavior in an affectionate manner through hugs and praise.
Family is considered as the most important source of socialization because self-concept is developed in childhood which is the foundation on which an individual personality rest upon. Our personalities are not completely formed in childhood but, it influence the later stages of personality development for instance, if a father beats his son in childhood he might have anger issues or some other issues in adulthood.
School serve as a central agent of socialization all over the world — for those individuals who have means to attend or can attend school. School is the first source of socialization for a child outside the institution of family, which infuse technical skills and abilities that are necessary to function within given society. The knowledge which a child acquire in school aid to improve his or her financial positions in adulthood. Schooling not only serve manifest functions such as, how to read and write, study math, science etc… however, it also has latent functions for instance, children learn punctuality, teamwork, competition and conformity via socializing at school.
Moreover, within institution of school — teachers are role models and leaders, they lead the rituals as well as, reinforce social norms in class rooms. In addition to basic and technical skills — teachers also teach the core norms and values of a given society or the conducts which are expected from members of a particular society. Sociologists refer to such informal teaching aspect of school “Hidden curriculum” for instance, the grading system through which a teacher evaluate the performance create the positive sense of competition in children or when students participate in quiz and sports contests they become aware of the fact that there are winners and losers in society. When students are supposed to prepare group assignment they learn about team work and its importance. Deadline for the submission of assignments as well as school time table teach them punctuality. The hidden curriculum teach children the social skills which are required to function in adult world. When children grow they know how to follow social rules such as, how to wait in cue for their turn, avoid deviant conducts, treat and greet people etc…. However, social norms and values differ from society to society. Hidden curriculum within schools are designed to teach children the dominant culture of a given society.
In school children are supposed to say pledge of allegiance as well as sing national anthem which develop sense of national pride in them. Children also learn the history, culture, geography and demographics of their native country at schools. Moreover, they are also taught the history of other nations in order to understand the cultural similarities and differences among nations of the world. School text books are designed in way that creates harmony and solidarity among individuals as well as the subcultures which coexist within a given society.
Peer group is compose of the people with same age, social status and interests. Peer group socialization initiate in the early stages of life when children play together in school playground whereby, they learn the rules of games. Peer group socialization is not limited to childhood however, it continue throughout life. As children grow into teenager they exert independence and try to establish their own identity that is separate from their parents. Individuals pick their peers or peer group themselves as well as, when they frequently socialize with peers they tend to form and adopt similar habits.
We are bombarded with messages on daily basis through the mass media such as social media, billboards, magazines, television etc… mass media refer to communication form that is design send messages to the mass audiences. The most influential source of socialization is television as well as, social media. Access to Television and internet is almost available to every individual. People spend sufficient amount on time watching television and surfing the internet.
However, the kind of messages which we receive through television and other medium of communication effects our behavior for instance, the movie characters may become our role models and we may start dressing and behaving like them. Moreover, now a day people spend more time on social media compare to television therefore, conglomerates have increased promotional activities of their product on social media and political organizations are also running their election campaigns on social media. Social media have proven to be the effective source of manipulating people behavior for instance, the crowed of millions came out on streets to overthrow dictators in Middle Eastern countries the demonstration was inspired from video clip uploaded on social media in which a man burned himself on street due to police corrupt attitude. Moreover, thousands of people started demonstration against corruption in Islamabad, Pakistan due to the influential political campaign of Imran khan on social media.
The institution of religion is universal, it is important agent of socialization in every society. In some societies religion is considered as informal social institution whereas, in others it serve as formal social institution. Societies in which formal norms and values are based on religious scripture in such countries it serve as a formal institution for instance, in Saudi Arabia state laws are based on sharia, people in such countries not only learn the religious rituals but also the formal norms of a given society via socializing in mosque. The negative sanctions for crimes are enforced as it is mentioned in the Holy Scripture such as, the punishment of theft is maiming of hands in accordance to sharia law. However, societies in which different religion coexist and societal norms are not entirely based on holy scripture of specific religion, people socialize within an institution of their adhered religion such as, mosque, temple, synagogue etc… where they learn how to pray, take care of sacred thing and information regarding ceremonies. Elements such as these of material and non-material religious cultures are learned via frequently attending sermons and congregations within religious institutions. However, social behavior of people could be influenced from any socialization agent and they might choose to live their lives on different principles.
By Khushdil Khan Kasi
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