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]]>Deviance simplify the cultural norms of society. Which aid the understanding of an individual about good and bad behaviors, in a society. If an individual behavior is deviant in a society other members of society will resent him for his wrong behavior, which will inform other uninformed members that, such behavior is unacceptable in a society. Deviance sets an example for the members of the group that, how an individual ought to behave and how an individual ought not to behave in society.
Deviance specify the moral boundaries in a society. When an individual is caught doing immoral activity, he is punished for his wrong doing in a society. Deviant behavior lead to punishment and resentment of other members in a society. Punishment for a crime sends the message to other members that, if an individual cross the moral boundaries, he will suffer the same fate. Which helps in maintaining social control.
Deviance promote solidarity among the individuals in a society. When members of society witness the deviant behavior, they become unify against the common enemy, which increase the sense of solidarity among the individuals. For example, world trade center 9/11 incident and Pearl Harbor incident unified the US nation against the common enemy of terrorism and resented the incidents with one voice. Due to which culprit suffer a severe punishment in the form of war.
Deviance plays vital role in social change process. Each society evolves with the passage of time, as the time passes individuals resent some old norms which they think are unfair to them, this deviant behavior of denouncing societal norms lead to the social change. For example women’s were not allowed to study and work in early 19th century, women unified together and created organizations to allow them to study and work and give them rights alike men. Such deviance lead to the social change, today every women has a right to seek education and work with men shoulder to shoulder.
The post Structural-Functional Perspective on Deviance appeared first on Sociology Learners.