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Attitude is derived from a Latin word “Optus” which means ready and fit for action. Earlier, attitude referred to something that could be directly observed like, the moves of fighters in a boxing ring. However, in the context of psychology attitude can be defined as the feelings and thoughts of an individual regarding an object or event. New researches suggest that attitude cannot be observed directly because it’s the cognitive process which compel individuals to act in a certain way. Attitude precedes behavior and it guides and influence the actions of individual. Which suggests that, the choice of men social conduct in a given situation depends on formed attitude. Currently, the concept of attitude is considered most important predictor of behavior in psychology. Many researchers have developed interest in social cognition due to the fact that, attitude is an important pervasive factor in human life, without which it’s difficult for researchers to analyze individuals social conducts and relationships with one another.

Structure of Attitude

In order to understand the concept on must study the structure of attitude. Tri-component model or three component model is the best widely recognized framework of attitude structure. The model can be traced back to the work of Carl Hovland and Milton Rosenberg 1960. However, this model categorized the structure of attitude into three components including, cognitive, affective and behavioral.

Cognitive component refer to the thought or thinking through which an individual develop belief about an attitude object.

Affective component are the negative or positive feelings of an individual about given attitude object.

Behavioral component refer to the action of an individual towards attitude object.

Moreover, the model suggest that the attitude is permanent rather than temporary, momentary feeling towards an object is not an attitude. Additionally attitude is limited to socially significant objects or events. Attitude is generalizable and abstract, an individual attitude is not formed for a given object based on a single event in one place at single time though it is formed through individual overall experience with attitude object for instance, if you need a specific book and it’s not available in a given library, you will not develop a feeling of dislike towards library based on the occurrence of single event however, if your overall experience was bad due to the unfriendly staff, unavailability of books and bad study environment, you may develop a feeling of dislike towards a given library.

Written by; Khushdil Khan Kasi

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